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| Webinar

Are Your Independent Contractors Properly Classified? (Webinar)

The U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) recently issued a final Rule which reverts the independent contractor analysis back to a multifactor, totality-of-the-circumstances review that, as compared to the current federal DOL Rule in place will almost assuredly result in more workers being classified as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The federal DOL’s final

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| Kirby Foods Effingham/Ironhorse Cafe

Recovery Wellness Group

Effingham County ROSC provides a free Recovery Wellness group every Thursday at Kirby Foods (Ironhorse Cafe) hosted by ROSC's Recovery Navigator, Felicia Depoister. This group is all inclusive. All form of recovery are invited! Refreshments are provided. Cost: No cost to attend. Event Contact: Felicia Depoister- 217-690-3773 or Follow us on Facebook!

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| Effingham Elks Lodge #1016

Effingham Elks Lodge #1016 Easter Celebration

Join us for a fun-filled Easter event at Effingham Elks Lodge #1016! Time: 9:00 AM (Easter Bunny Arrival)  Event Highlights: - Meet and Greet with the Easter Bunny - Enjoy milk and donuts at 9:00 AM - Easter Egg Hunt for the kids starting at 9:30 AM - Photo Opportunity with the Easter Bunny Bring

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