Effingham Sunrise Rotary Halloween Parade
Theme: Back to the 90's (in recognition of Rotary Club's 30th anniversary!) The parade will kick off at 2:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Effingham Sunrise Rotary. Awards to follow on the Courthouse square. Line up for the parade will begin at 12:00 p.m. along Maple Street between Temple and Evergreen Avenues. There will
Trunk or Treat 2024
Trunk or Treat after the Effingham Rotary Halloween Parade. A meal will be served. Event questions? Call the Church office between 7am - 4pm M-Th at (217)-342-2030 or email secretary@effinghamcumc.com. Follow our event on Facebook!
Community Blood Drive @ Family Care Associates
Family Care Associates will host a community blood drive with ImpactLife, the provider of blood components for local hospitals. The blood drive will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 31 at 1106 N Merchant St, inside Parking Lot What: Family Care Associates Community Blood Drive When: Thursday, October 31, 10:00 am
Trunk or Treat @ Heartland Human Services
Heartland Human Services is hosting a Trunk or Treat on Thursday, Oct. 31, from 4p-8p. There will be two food trucks here starting at 4p: Curbed Cravings & Casey Coffee Company. Starting at 6p, cars will be on site with their Trunks decorated and full of candy and treats. Come see what other treats you may
Treat Town @ First Christian Church
First Christian Church of Effingham hosts a treat town on October 31st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Kids come into the church where rooms along the hall are decorated and candy is handed out. Then, at the end of the hall in the dining area, Hot Chocolate, Hot Apple Cider, Hot dogs and Popcorn