Effingham Sunrise Rotary Halloween Parade
Theme: Back to the 90’s (in recognition of Rotary Club’s 30th anniversary!)
The parade will kick off at 2:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Effingham Sunrise Rotary. Awards to follow on the Courthouse square.
Line up for the parade will begin at 12:00 p.m. along Maple Street between Temple and Evergreen Avenues.
There will be a $20 entry fee for all entries except veterans, school groups & emergency vehicles. Entry fee will go towards Polio Plus to eradicate polio.
Groups, organizations, businesses and individuals interested in participating in the parade are asked to complete the application.
Follow our Facebook event for updates!
$20 Cash or check only made payable to: Effingham Sunrise Rotary
Forms are available:
Sunrise Rotary Facebook page
West & Company | 501 E Evergreen
Effingham County Chamber | 903 N Keller Drive
Return forms & entry fee to:
Halloween Parade
c/o Nathan Earnest
501 E Evergreen
Effingham, IL 62401
Halloween Parade
c/o Becky Brown
903 N Keller Drive
Effingham, IL 62401
Entries must be received by Friday, October 18 2024.