Construction Industry Prevailing Wage Updates for 2024 and Beyond (Webinar)
Join Labor & Employment Attorney, Jeffrey Risch, for a timely webinar discussing and examining the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, and, more importantly, what the current Administration will do and say in administering and enforcing the law. Of course, new legislative changes designed to make suing contractors easier and expanding the scope of Illinois’ prevailing wage law will also be examined. Additionally, a dive into new Davis-Bacon changes will be examined as well for those needing to know how Federal prevailing wage law works – generally and with particular focus on the new Davis-Bacon Rule published by the U.S. Department of Labor last Fall.
Attorney Risch has dedicated over 22 years of his practice helping construction industry employers navigate through prevailing wage laws. This timely live webinar is not to be missed for any organization that performs or contracts under, or in any way pursuant to, local, state or federal prevailing wage laws.
When registering, please indicate Effingham COUNTY CHAMBER in the “Learned About it From” drop down to receive member pricing.