Land of Lincoln Credit Union (LLCU) and the City of Decatur would like to invite members of our local media, and other interested parties, to a joint press conference to be held on Tuesday, July 18th at 10:00a.m. The location address of the press conference is 2074 N. Union Street in Decatur, IL.

During the press conference, representatives from both organizations will be present to announce details of a partnership forged between Land of Lincoln Credit Union, the City of Decatur, Empowerment Opportunity Center of Decatur, Decatur Trades & Labor Assembly, and Richland Community College. These organizations are pooling resources to provide shelter to members of the Decatur community who are currently experiencing homelessness and/or displacement. Additionally, the group is excited to announce the offering of another hands-on workforce development opportunity to local students.

Please join us for this Press Conference to hear the exciting details. The site address of the press conference is a house that will be the centerpiece of the partnership and project.

Tuesday, July 18th at 10:00a.m.
2074 N. Union St. – Decatur, IL